Certified Wholistic Health Coach Victor Dedaj released his new book
"How to Be Happy, Healthy and Whole" on June 27th, 2024
Victor Dedaj's new book, "How to Be Happy, Healthy and Whole," guides readers toward better health

Victor Dedaj wrote "How to Be Happy, Healthy and Whole" to help people understand that achieving good health is within their reach despite the challenges of modern lifestyles that may lead to chronic diseases. "Many people struggle with their health and are looking for ways to improve. I wrote this book to guide them towards better health practices," said Dedaj.
The book combines Dedaj's expertise in nutrition and holistic health with real-life stories from those who have benefited from his advice, making his strategies relatable and applicable. It serves as a resource for readers to learn about managing their health through balanced living and informed choices. It also features a foreword written by Alan Newell.
In his previous publications, such as "You Can Become Successful" and "Success Breakthroughs," Dedaj has already established his ability to help people reach their potential. His latest book continues this theme by focusing on personal health as a foundation for success.
With "How to Be Happy, Healthy and Whole," Dedaj addresses common health issues with straightforward advice, encouraging readers to improve their health outcomes. The inclusion of reviews and experiences from others who have read and applied his methods adds a personal touch to his message, enhancing the book's credibility.
Interest from those familiar with Dedaj’s work and newcomers seeking reliable health guidance are expected to grow. This book provides the tools and insights needed for readers to manage and improve their health effectively.

Discover the Secrets of High Achieving People
Have you ever wondered why certain people are successful, while others are not. Are some people just born successful? Do successful people work harder than others? Do successful people think different from others. Victor Dedaj shares the secrets that have made him and many others successful in this book.

Leading Entreprenuers & Professionals Reveal Their SECRETS FOR BREAKING THROUGH TO SUCCESS
Jack Canfield & Victor Dedaj
With Other Leading Entreprenuers and Professionals from Around the World
There have been countless books written on Success. The word success implies a desirable outcome from someone's actions. As we know, success is the satisfaction we receive from attaining our goals. . . and most of us have different goals.
The methods used to attain goals are typically multi-faceted. They could be some combination of knowledge, inventing a product or developing a service, helping a cause that is near and dear to your heart, fame and fortune, or maybe coaching and guiding others to their goals in life. Then again, your success breakthrough may be in accomplishing something totally different that will serve others in good stead.
Note that in every case, success has a beginning and an end, and nothing starts without action. Thomas Edison's quotation that he had not failed, but rather found 10,000 ways that didn't work, serves to remind us that perseverance and action are two of the essential qualities needed for Success Breakthroughs. Then again, you can start with a goal in mind, but if you never finish, the unattained-goal is like yet another asteroid floating in space - matter without a home or meaning to us.
Quilly Awards in Hollywood, California

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